Angkor Wat holy place is shown in a fish pond January 23, 2010.
16:37 JST,December 31, 2023
Tokyo (Jiji Press)–Japanese teacher Yoshiaki Ishizawa, 86, stays eager to continue his assistance for the conservation of the Angkor Wat old holy place complicated in Cambodia after servicing the job for 3 years.
“I feel relieved that we have paved the way for training of Cambodians to restore the site,” Ishizawa of Sophia University stated in a meeting with Jiji Press in November 2023 in Cambodia’s Siem Reap, where the UNESCO World Heritage website lies.
That month, Ishizawa participated in a conclusion event for the reconstruction of Angkor Wat’s western embankment, which was sustained by the Japanese federal government and the college.
Cambodia’s King Norodom Sihamoni referred to Ishizawa in his address and revealed his …