DUBAI: There’s one image that Saudi designer Abdulrahman Al-Abed returns to over and over. It was taken at the 2019 G20 Summit in Osaka Japan, and also in it, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed container Salman stands front and also facility to name a few globe leaders. It’s the Crown Prince’s style option that stands out– in a sea of matches, he is happily decorated in nationwide outfit. For Al-Abed, the owner of the revolutionary style home Qormuz, this is all the evidence he requires that Saudi style can transform the globe.
“We earn respect from people across the globe because of our strong culture, our unmistakable heritage,” Al-Abed informsArab News “Once, it was the Japanese kimono, from another culture of rich tradition, that inspired every brand in the world. Our culture has power that few people have yet realized.”