Blossom Campus is a new South Korean BL drama, including Son Byeong-Hoon as Kim Min-Jae and Choi Dong-Ho as Yoon-Chan The tale focuses on 2 close friends that gradually love each various other.
Min-Jae is a transfer trainee learning songs and functioning as a part-timer in the collection. When he comes to the college, he requests for instructions to Yoon-Chan After their initial conference, destiny regularly brings them with each other. While Min-Jae attempts to prevent him, Yoon-Chan presses his good luck and befriends Min-Jae
While both discover their relationship and real sensations, Min-Jae’s junior, Woo-Hyuk (Kim Yong-Sol), obtains envious. Despite complication and broken hearts, the Korean BL drama Blossom Campus upright a happy note for the lead pair.
Blossom Campus wrap-up & & looters: Are Son Byeong-Hoon & & Choi Dong-Ho greater than close friends?
Blossom Campus episode 1 concentrates on Min-Jae and …