Japanese Zero aircrafts instantly and without cautioning loaded the skies on a drowsy Sunday early morning in Hawaii onDec 7, 1941. The Japanese shock assault at Pearl Harbor captured the American Navy, Army and Marines unfortunately not aware.
Japanese torpedoes and bombs harmed or sunk vital battlewagons of thePacific Fleet At close-by Hickam Field, pilots rushed to obtain air-borne in an useless initiative to fight the Japanese Zeroes, that were likewise taking purpose at the American aircrafts.
One of those competing a B-17 bombing plane wasSecond Lt Jay E. Pietzsch of the 26th Bomber Squadron of theArmy Air Corps Just 3 years previously, Pietzsch played basketball and football for instructor Al Baggett at West Texas State Teachers College.

Now the former Gold Gloves state AAU boxing champ became part of an infernal dashboard to enter the aircraft and obtain air-borne to do something– anything– versus the Japanese.
He never ever made …