(*) enters your mind when you listen to words (*)? (*) it the international young boy band sensation BTS, putting on studded coats and dance in perfect sync? (*) the lady team (*), carrying out at (*) in stylish styles and flawlessly crinkled hair?( *) concerning an (*) of delicately clothed individuals, crowded around a mixing board in a one-room workshop, nearby from a (*) dining establishment focusing on deep-fried poultry?( *) claimed (*), a singer with electric-green hair and grills, guiding his hips and groaning to the beat. (*) workshop was jumbled with art, plastic documents, pinheads and various other chances and ends. (*) vocalist lay susceptible close by, taking care of a poor hangover.( *), this is day-to-day live as a different K-pop band. (*) songs, a blend of varied categories from electro to hip-hop, is fashionable and edgy. (*) appearance, …( *)
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( *) complete (*)( *).