Just as K-Pop is advancing at all times, so are K-Pop fandoms. What’s the most up to date brand-new growth splitting fans throughout the web? K-Pop duo names. Also called “ship names”, duo names have significantly altered with the brand-new generations– however which side is right?
Flashback to earlier K-Pop generations, as well as the formula for duo names was, rather actually, as very easy as one plus one equates to 2. Think “TaeNy”, as an example, for Girls’ Generation‘s Taeyeon (“Tae”) and Tiffany (“Ny”). This style of name persisted into the third generation of K-Pop too, with names like “TaeKook” for BTS‘s V (“Tae” from his real name, Taehyung) and Jungkook (“Kook”).
But currently, in the period of the 4th as well as 5th generations, K-Pop duo names have actually tackled a totally various design …