(*)(( *): (*))( *) X (*) rebound (*), according to a neighborhood media (*) on (*).( *) band’s most recent cd was its 3rd workshop cd (*) that marketed over 2.25 million duplicates (*) the very first week when it appeared (*) in 2015 and went into (*) 200 at (*). 3. (*) cd remained on the major cds chart for 7 weeks (*) a row and reentered (*) the very first week of (*).( *) participants informed followers last month at a honors event that they had actually currently started tape-recording a brand-new cd.( *), the team (*) greet followers (*) at a follower show on (*) 2-3 to commemorate its 5th launching wedding anniversary.( *) BTS to commemorate 10th wedding anniversary (*) with minimal plastic( *)(( *): (*))( *) unique plastic cd (*) launched on (*) 19 to note the 10th wedding anniversary of the launching of …( *)
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( *) complete (*)( *).