After a number of preferred Korean programs and collection under its belt throughout 2023, Netflix will introduce its initial initial K-drama of 2024 with AKiller Paradox The upcoming criminal offense thriller, based upon a Naver Webtoon of the exact same name developed by Kkomabi, is routed by Lee Chang- hee of Hell is Other People popularity. Also referred to as Sarinja- ng-Nangam in Korean, A Killer Paradox complies with the lead character, Lee Tang, an ordinary university student that inadvertently eliminates a male just to find out that he is a criminal. Then much more such murders comply with, leading Lee to assume that he has an intuition about offenders and ends up being the court, court, and death squad of those offenders. But after that an unrelenting and intelligent investigator fumes on his route, identified to capture Lee, whatever it takes.
The streaming titan currently has a lengthy checklist of high-rated Korean thriller series under its belt, so the future program …