Pictured: Squid Game (left), Extraordinary Attorney Woo (facility), The Glory (right)
For the very first time, Netflix launched an exceptionally clear engagement report, laying bare all the watching information of over 18,000 movies and TV shows on the system worldwide. We have actually considered the effect of K-dramas on Netflix in the first half of 2023, and below’s everything we have actually learned thus far.
Over the previous years, the increase in media intake from South Korea has actually been past speedy. Some of the most substantial names in the globe of songs are from the Korean peninsula, in addition to the substantial number of flicks and tv programs that have actually appeared to Netflix customers over the past a number of years.
Netflix has actually spent billions of bucks right into web content fromSouth Korea That financial investment is being dramatically compensated many thanks to the success of K-dramas such as Squid Game, All of Us …